things we get asked a lot.
Is Gingerbug kombucha?
THE question we get asked this all the time. No, Gingerbug is not kombucha. Keep reading…
Ok. But is Gingerbug like kombucha?
Yes… and no. "Yes" in the sense that it is brewed, is good for your gut, and is fermented. "No" in that kombucha is made with tea, has a different flavour, and has a different fermentation process. (Fermented ginger beer uses a starter culture called a "ginger bug.") Fermented ginger beer and kombucha taste quite different, but have similar digestive health benefits.
So is Gingerbug a ginger beer? Like the ones on store shelves?
Great question! So yes, Gingerbug is a ginger beer, and no, it is not like the shelf stable ginger beers in the store. It is one of a kind! Here's why: Gingerbug is reminiscent of the 'original' ginger beer - the traditional, fermented, naturally probiotic ginger beer that was brewed in the 1700s in England. It was arguably the very first "soda pop" ever made, brewed for both health and for enjoyment. Fast forward to the 1900s where 'Big Soda' took over and created ginger soda pops (with syrups, carbonation, etc.), and the original, health-tonic, fermented ginger beer became lost and forgotten. Big Soda called these new, formulated drinks "ginger beer or ginger ale," even they were not a true ginger beer at all. Today, even the most premium "ginger beer" products on the market are simply different renditions of Big Soda's carbonated syrups. They might taste great, and even be free of chemicals, but they have no health benefits and are usually very high in sugar.
Does my Gingerbug need to be stored in the fridge?
Yes, yes, yes…. your Gingerbugs must be stored in the fridge until consumption. There is a lot of life in this beverage (aka good stuff for your gut!), so this drink can change over time. If left out at room temperature, like Kombucha, the beverage will continue to ferment. It will become less sweet and can build more carbonation in the bottle if not refrigerated. Gingerbugs that have been left out run the risk of making a huge carbonated mess when you open them, or in extreme circumstances, the bottle or can could burst. We really want to give you a beverage that is both alive and delicious, so please, always store your ‘bugs’ in the fridge until consumption.
Is there alcohol in Gingerbug ginger beer?
Gingerbug is considered non-alcoholic by Canadian labelling and nutritional standards. However, due to the fermentation process, there can be trace amounts. Gingerbug has been tested and contains less than 0.5% alcohol, similar to a non-alcoholic beer.